StemGenex encourages physicians, scientists, academics and regulatory authorities to support stem cell research and treatment that will ease the needless suffering of those that struggle daily to live a normal life, to find comfort. We recognize the tireless contribution of family and friends that provide support to someone diagnosed with a debilitating disease for which traditional medicine has no real answer. And we applaud and support the bravery and dedication of physicians that are on the noble path to be part of the stem cell solution and leading in its medical transformation.
The StemGenex team is dedicated to compassionate, patient-focused care with the primary goal of outstanding performance in clinical outcomes. We work with physicians who are American Board Certified in multiple medical disciplines including Internal Medicine, Cosmetic Surgery, Obstetrics, and Anesthesiology. Some of their prestigious organizational affiliations include The American Medical Association, American Board of Internal Medicine, and The American Board of Physician Specialties. Their distinctions also include numerous publications in peer review journals, distinguishing them as leaders in their respective fields.
Exclusive partnerships within the stem cell industry, provide StemGenex with information on the latest stem cell technologies which is shared through instructional courses, workshops, and seminars. With clinician, hospital, and medical collaborations established, StemGenex has become a leading provider of autologous adipose-derived stem cell products and procedures.
We understand what it means to seek a good quality of life. We seek out doctors who are focused on making positive differences in the lives of their patients through innovative stem cell and regenerative medicine treatments. These physicians have had advanced training and years of experience in the application of adipose-derived adult stem cell procedures.
We are excited to be a part of the dynamic “new frontier” of medicine.