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Autologous Adipose-Derived Adult Stem Cell Transplantation

We offer access to a proprietary Autologous Adipose derived Stem Cells treatment process developed over the last 10 years. As a world leader we are leading the way with research in this area. StemGenex® utilizes cutting-edge technology, cementing our position as the world’s authority of Autologous Adipose-derived Stem Cells products and procedures.

The Procedure

The procedure is performed by board-certified physicians, scientists and clinicians in 4-5 hours. Patients will be treated with local anesthesia, therefore, the procedure is practically painless and fits easily into an active lifestyle.

    • Harvest: Using a proprietary but simple procedure similar to tumescent liposuction, 100-200cc of adipose tissue is harvested from the patient
    • Breakdown: The adipose tissue is then broken down to extract the stem cells
    • Separate: Using standard techniques, the Stromal Vascular Fraction (SVF) which contains Adult Stem Cells (ASCs) is separated from the fat cells.
    • Isolate: ASCs and other progenitor cells are then isolated from the SVF using standard techniques.
    • Activate: The isolated ASCs are then suspended in the person’s own platelet rich plasma therapy (PRP) growth factors and activated with StemGenex’ red/yellow/green laser. This ‘awakens’ or activates the dormant ASCs.
    • Infuse: The cells are then administered back to the patient through one or more of the following modes of administration:
      • Intravenous: The ASCs are administered through a standard intravenous drip
      • Topical: The ASCs are administered directly into a localized area


The major advantages Adipose Stem Cell Therapy, compared with other sources of regenerative cells, are:

    • High Yield: A tremendously therapeutic dose of regenerative stem cells can be obtained and activated in just a couple of hours.
    • Stem Cell yields from abdominal fat are much higher than from bone marrow and it is not unusual to obtain nearly 1 billion dormant stem cells from 100-200cc’s of abdominal fat. The same amount of bone marrow will only yield 60,000 cells, so the therapeutic impact of Autologous Adipose Derived Stem Cells Therapy is much greater.
    • Patients receive their own cells so there is no risk of immune rejection.
    • Versatile and highly active, with some patients feeling benefits right away.
    • Minimally invasive outpatient procedure, easier to harvest from fat than from bone marrow and more comfortable for patients.

What happens to the Stem Cells after transplantation?

    • Stem Cells are dispersed into the adjacent tissue
    • Stem Cells differentiate into component cell types and integrate with the target tissue or organ
    • Stem Cells begin to secrete several essential growth factors
    • Stem Cells start to attract the growth of blood vessels to facilitate tissue formation and repair

Contact StemGenex for more information on Stem Cell Treatment Studies

To learn more about StemGenex and stem cell treatment studies simply fill out the form below and a StemGenex Patient Advocate will contact you shortly.

Contact StemGenex for more information on Stem Cell Treatment Studies

To learn more about StemGenex and stem cell treatment studies simply fill out the form below and a StemGenex Patient Advocate will contact you shortly.