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Brayfield, C.A.; Marra, K.G.; Rubin, J.P.* "Adipose Tissue Regeneration," Current Stem Cell Research and Therapy, 2010, In Press.
Tan, H.; Rubin, J.P.; Marra, K.G.* "Injectable In Situ Forming Biodegradable Chitosan-hyaluronic Acid Based Hydrogels for Adipose Tissue Regeneration," Organogenesis, 2010, In Press.
Choi (Kang), J.H.; Gimble, J.; Lee, K.; Marra, K.; Rubin, J.P.; Yoo, J.; Kaplan, D.L.* "Adipose Tissue Engineering for Soft Tissue Regeneration," Tissue Eng. Part B, 2010, In Press.
Ghaznavi, A.M.; Kokai, L.E.; Lovett, M.L.; Kaplan, D.L.; Marra, K.G.* "Silk Fibroin Conduits: A Cellular and Functional Assessment of Peripheral Nerve Repair," Annals of Plastic Surgery, 2010, In Press.
Cherubino, M.; Rubin, J.P.; Miljkovic, N.D.; Kelmendi-Doko, A.; Marra, K.G.* "Adipose-derived Stem Cells for Wound Healing Applications," Annals of Plastic Surgery, 2010, In Press.
Tan, H.; Marra, K.G.* "Injectable, Biodegradable Hydrogels for Tissue Engineering," Materials, 2010, 3:1746-1767.
Brayfield, C.A.; Marra, K.G.; Rubin, J.P.* "Adipose Stem Cells for Soft Tissue Regeneration," Handchirurgie, Mikrochirurgie, Plastische Chirurgie, 2010, 42(2):124-128.
Kokai, L.E.; Ghaznavi, A.M. Marra, K.G.* "Incorporation of double-walled microspheres into polymer nerve guides for the sustained delivery of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor," Biomaterials, 2010, 31(8):2313-2322.
Kokai, L.E.; Tan, H.; Jhunjhunwala, S.; Little, S.R.; Frank, J.; Marra, K.G.* "Protein Bioactivity and Polymer Orientation is Affected by Stabilizer Incorporation in Double-Walled Microspheres," Journal of Controlled Release, 2010, 141:168-176.
Tan, H.; DeFail, A.J.; Rubin, J.P.; Chu, C.R.; Marra, K.G.* "Novel Multi-arm PEG-based Hydrogels for Tissue Engineering," J. Biomedical Materials Research, Part A, 2010, 92A(3): 979-987.
Kokai, L.E.; Lin, Y.-C.; Oyster, N.O.; Marra, K.G.* "Diffusion of Soluble Factors through Degradable Polymer Nerve Guides: Controlling Manufacturing Parameters," Acta Biomaterialia, 2009, 5:2540-2550.
Lima, E.; Tan, A.; Tai, T.; Marra, K.G.; DeFail, A.J.; Ateshian, G.A.; Hung, C.* "Genipin Enhances the Mechanical Properties of Tissue Engineered Cartilage and Protects Against Inflammatory Degradation When Used as a Medium Supplement," J. Biomedical Materials Research, Part A, 2009, 91(3):692-700.
Lin, Y.-C.; Tan, F.-J.; Marra, K.G.; Jan, S.-S.; Liu, D.C.* "Synthesis and characterization of collagen/hyaluronan/chitosan composite sponges for potential biomedical applications," Acta Biomaterialia, 2009, 5(7):2591-600.
Miljkovic, N.D.; Lin, Y.-C.; Cherubino, M.; Minteer, D.; Marra, K.G.* "A Novel Injectable Hydrogel in Combination with a Surgical Sealant in a Rat Osteochondral Defect Model," Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 2009, 17(11):1326-1331.
Tan, H.; Ramirez, C.M.; Miljkovic, N.D.; Li, H.; Rubin, J.P.; Marra, K.G.* "Thermosensitive injectable hyaluronic acid hydrogel for adipose tissue engineering," Biomaterials, 2009, 30(36):6844-6853.
Miljkovic, N.D.; Cooper, G.M.; Hott, S.L.; DiSalle, B.F.; Gawalt, E.S.; Smith, D.M.; McGowan, K.; Marra, K.G.* "Calcium Aluminate, RGD-Modified Calcium Aluminate, and ß-Tricalcium Phosphate Implants in a Calvarial Defect," J. Craniofacial Surgery, 2009, 20(5):1538-1543.
Santiago, L.Y.; Clavijo-Alvarez, J.; Brayfield, C.; Rubin, J.P.; Marra, K.G.* "Delivery of Adipose-Derived Precursor Cells for Peripheral Nerve Repair," Cell Transplantation, 2009, 18(2):145-158.
Tan, H.; Chu, C.R.; Payne, K.; Marra, K.G.* "Injectable In Situ Forming Biodegradable Chitosan-Hyaluronic acid Based Hydrogels for Cartilage Tissue Engineering," Biomaterials, 2009, 30(13):2499-2506.
Rubin, J.P.; DeFail, A.J.; Rajendran, N.; Marra, K.G.* "Encapsulation of Adipogenic Factors to Promote Differentiation of Adipose-derived Stem Cells," J. Drug Targeting, 2009, 17(3):207-15.
Lin, Y.-C.; Brayfield, C.A.; Gerlach, J.C.; Rubin, J.P.; Marra, K.G.* "Peptide Modification of Polyethersulfone Surfaces to Improve Adipose-derived Stem Cell Adhesion," Acta Biomaterialia, 2009, 5(5):1416-1424.
Cherubino, M.; Marra, K.G.* "Adipose-derived Stem Cells for Soft Tissue Reconstruction," Regenerative Medicine, 2009, 4(1):109-17.
Lee, W.-C.C.; Sepulveda, J.; Rubin, J.P.; Marra, K.G.* "Cardiomyogenic Differentiation Potential of Human Adipose Precursor Cells," Int. J. Cardiology, 2009, 133(3):399-401.
Tomiyama, K.; Murase, N.; Stolz, D.B.; Toyokawa, H.; O'Donnell, D.R.; Smith, D.M.; Dudas, J.R.; Rubin, J.P.; Marra, K.G.* "Characterization of Transplanted GFP+ Bone Marrow Cells into Adipose Tissue," Stem Cells, 2008, 26(2):330-338.
Smith, D.M.; Cooper, G.M.; Mooney, M.P.; Marra, K.G.; Losee, J.E.* "BMP-2 Therapy for Craniofacial Surgery: A Practical Review," J. Craniofacial Surg., 2008, 19(5):1244-1259.
Smith, D.M.; Affifi, A.M.; Cooper, G.M.; Mooney, M.P.; Marra, K.G.; Losee, J.E.* "BMP-2-Based Repair of Large Scale Calvarial Defects in an Experimental Model: Regenerative Surgery in Cranioplasty," J. Craniofacial Surg., 2008, 19(5):1315-1322.
Miljkovic, N.D.; Cooper, G.M.; Marra, K.G.* "Review: Chondrogenesis and Bone Morphogenetic Protein-4," Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 2008, 16(10):1121-30.
Schipper, B.M.; Marra, K.G.; Zhang, W.; Rubin, J.P.* "Regional Anatomic and Age Effects on Cell Function of Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cells," Annals Plastic Surg., 2008, 60(5):538-544.
Dudas, J.R.; Losee, J.E.; Penascino, V.; Smith, D.M.; Cooper, G.M.; Mooney, M.P.; Jiang, S.; Rubin, J.P.; Marra, K.G.* "Leporine-derived Adipose Progenitor Cells Exhibit Osteogenic Properties In Vitro," J. Craniofacial Surg., 2008, 19(2):360-368.
Marra, K.G.; DeFail, A.J.; Clavijo, J.A.; Badylak, S.; Taieb, A.; Schipper, B.; Bennett, J.M.; Rubin, J.P.* "FGF-2 Enhances Vascularization for Adipose Tissue Engineering," Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 2008, 121(4):1153-1164.
Aksu, A.E.; Rubin, J.P.; Dudas, J.R.; Marra, K.G.* "Role of Gender and Anatomical Region on Induction of Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Adipose-derived Stem Cells," Annals Plast. Surg., 2008, 60(3):306-322.
Brayfield, C.A.; Marra, K.G.; Leonard, J.P.; Cui, X.T.; Gerlach, J.C.* "Excimer Laser Channel Creation in Polyethersulfone Hollow Fibers for Compartmentalized In Vitro Neuronal Cell Culture Scaffolds," Acta Biomat., 2008, 4(2):244-255.
Marra, K.G.,* Clavijo, J.A. Reply: "Comparison of Biodegradable Conduits in an Aged Rat Sciatic Nerve Defect Model," Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 2008, 121(1):345-346.
Lee, W.-C.C.; Maul, T.; Vorp, D.A.; Rubin, J.P.; Marra, K.G.* "Effects of Uniaxial Cyclic Strain on Adipose-derived Stem Cell Morphology, Proliferation, and Differentiation," Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 2007, 6(4):265-273.
Rubin, J.P.;* Bennett, J.M.; Tebbetts, B.; Doctor, J.S.; Marra, K.G. "Collagenous Beads for Adipose-derived Stem Cell Culture and Differentiation," Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 2007, 120(2):414-424.
Clavijo, J.A.; Nguyen, V.T.; Santiago, L.Y.; Doctor, J.S.; Lee, W.P.A.; Marra, K.G.* "Comparison of Biodegradable Conduits in an Aged Rat Sciatic Nerve Defect Model," Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 2007, 119(6):1839-1851.
Rubin, J.P.;* Marra, K.G. Discussion of "Treatment of Radiotherapy Tissue Damage by Lipoaspirate Transplant: A Healing Process Mediated by Adipose-Derived Adult Stem Cells," Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 2007, 119(5):1423-1424.
Lee, W.-C.C.; Rubin, J.P.; Marra, K.G.* "Regulation of alpha-Smooth Muscle Actin Protein Expression in Adipose-derived Stem Cells," Cells Tissues Organs, 2006, 183(2):80-86.
DeFail, A.J.; Edington, H.; Matthews, S.; Lee, W.-C.C; Marra, K.G.* "Controlled Release of Bioactive Doxorubicin from Microspheres Embedded within Gelatin Scaffolds," J. Biomed. Mater. Res., Part A, 2006, 79(4):954-962.
Ferreti, M.; Marra, K.G.; Kobayashi, K.; DeFail, A.J.; Chu, C.R.* "Controlled In Vivo Degradation of Genipin Crosslinked Poly(Ethylene Glycol) Hydrogels within Osteochondral Defects," Tissue Engineering, 2006, 12(9):2657-63.
Clavijo, J.A.; Rubin, J.P.; Bennett, J.M.; Nguyen, V.; Dudas, J.R.; Underwood, C.; Marra, K.G.* "A Novel Perfluoroelastomer Seeded with Adipose-derived Stem Cells for Soft Tissue Repair," Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 2006, 118(5):1132-42; discussion 1143-4.
Song, A.Y.; Rubin, J.P.; Thomas, V.; Dudas, J.R.; Marra, K.G.; Fernstrom, M.H. "Assessment of Body Image and Quality of Life in Post-Massive Weight Loss Body Contouring Patients," Obesity, 2006, 14(9):1626-1636.
Song, A.Y.; Askari, M.; Azemi, E.; Alber, S.; Hurwitz, D.J.; Marra, K.G.; Shestak, K.C.; Debski, R.; Rubin, J.P.* "Biomechanical Properties of the Superficial Fascial System," Aesthetic Surgery Journal, 2006, 26(4), 395-403.
Santiago, L.Y.; Nowak, R.W.; Rubin, J.P.; Marra, K.G.* "Peptide-Surface Modification of Poly(caprolactone) with Laminin-Derived Sequences for Adipose-Derived Stem Cell Applications," Biomaterials, 2006, 27(15), 2962-2969.
Dudas, J.R.; Marra, K.G.; Cooper, G.M.; Penascino, V.M.; Mooney, M.P.; Jiang, S.; Rubin, J.P.; Losee, J.E.* "The Osteogenic Potential of Adipose-derived Stem Cells for Repair of Rabbit Calvarial Defects," Annals of Plastic Surgery, 2006, 56(5),543-548.
Petricca, S.E.; Marra, K.G.; Kumta, P.N.* "Chemical Synthesis of Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)/Hydroxyapatite Composites for Orthopaedic Applications," Acta Biomaterialia, 2006, 2(3), 277.
Song, A.Y.; Bennett, J.M.; Marra, K.G.; Cimino, W.W.; Rubin, J.P.* "Scientific Basis for Use of Hypotonic Solutions with Ultrasonic Liposuction," Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 2006, 30(2), 233-238.
DeFail, A.J.; Chu, C.R.; Izzo, N.R.; Marra, K.G.* "Controlled Release of Bioactive TGF-ß1 from Microspheres Embedded within Biodegradable Hydrogels," Biomaterials, 2006, 27(8), 1579-1585.
Kokai, L.E.; Rubin, J.P.; Marra, K.G.* "The Potential of Adipose-Derived Adult Stem Cells as a Source of Neuronal Progenitor Cells," Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 2005, 116(5), 1453-1460.
Moffat, K.L.; Marra, K.G.* "Biodegradable Poly(ethylene glycol) Hydrogels Cross-linked with Genipin for Tissue Engineering Applications," J. Biomedical Materials Res., 2004, 71B(1), 181-187.
Royce, S.M.; Askari, M.; Marra, K.G.* "Incorporation of Polymer Microspheres within Fibrin Scaffolds for the Controlled Delivery of FGF-1," J. Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition, 2004, 15(10), 1327-1336.
Boduch-Lee, K.A.; Chapman, T.M.;* Petricca, S.E.; Marra, K.G.; Kumta, P.N. "Design and Synthesis of Hydroxyapatite Composites Containing an mPEG-Dendritic Poly(L-Lysine) Star Polycaprolactone," Macromolecules, 2004, 37(24), 8959-8966.
Bender, M.; Bennett, J.M.; Waddell, R.; Doctor, J.S.; Marra, K.G.* "Multi-Channeled Biodegradable Polymer/CultiSpher Composite Nerve Guides," Biomaterials, 2004, 25(7-8), 1269-1278.
Choi, D.; Marra, K.G.; Kumta, P.N.* "Chemical Synthesis of Hydroxyapatite/ Polycaprolactone Composites," Materials Research Bulletin, 2004, 39, 417-432.
Waddell, R.; Marra, K.G.; Collins, K.; Leung, J.; Doctor, J.S.* "Biodegradable Polymer/Collagen Conduits for Nerve Regeneration," Biotechnology Progress, 2003, 19(6), 1767-1774.
Bidic, S.M.S.; Calvert, J.W.; Marra, K.; Kumta, P.; Campbell, P.; Mitchell, R.; Wigginton, W.; Hollinger, J.O.; Weiss, L., Mooney, M.P.* "Healing of Rabbit Calvarial Defects Using Caprotite Bone Scaffolds Seeded with Autologous Bone Marrow Stromal Cells," J. Dental Research, 2003, 82(2), 131.