StemGenex™ Offers Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease
Treatment for U.S. citizens battling Parkinson’s disease is closer than most people think.
La Jolla, CA, April 03, 2012 -- Parkinson's disease is becoming plague-like. One million Americans currently suffer from the disease, resulting in 25 billion dollars spent on medical research and treatment annually. According to the National Parkinson's Foundation, each patient spends an average of $2,500 a year for medications. Estimates of costs of medical care, disability payments and lost income exceed $5.6 million annually. Exploratory surgical therapy costs about $100,000.00. Now, one US based company is offering access to adult stem cell therapy for those with Parkinson's diseases. The cost for stem cell therapy, in comparison to the current alternatives, is very reasonable. is helping people with Parkinson's improve their lives through the use of adipose (fat) stem cells. According to The Guardian, brain cells that normally die when a person succumbs to Parkinson's disease now can be regenerated with the use of human stem cells. Parkinson's disease takes hold of functioning brains cells which produce dopamine. This causes tremors, rigidity and slowness of movement, exhaustion, severe pain, and depression. Now, because of companies like StemGenex , patients have an alternative approach for slowing the progression of this untreatable disease.
“There isn’t a cure for Parkinson’s disease.” Says Rita Alexander of StemGenex . “But, over the last five years we have worked with scientists and physicians to find a stem cell treatment protocol that would help alleviate many of the symptoms associated with this devastating neurological disorder. We are now establishing a scientific study to document the responses patients experience following adult stem cell treatment. Parkinson’s patients are eager to participate in this study. In the meantime, we find that our patients who seek stem cell therapy have a reduction in Parkinson’s related symptoms and experience a superior lifestyle than patients who chose not to use stem cell therapy. Plus, according to the LA Times, the Vatican agrees stem cell therapy and research plays a constructive role in various areas of medical research.”
The Michael J Fox Foundation currently has a diverse portfolio of embryonic, fetal and adult stem cell research that enables a limited comparison of cell sources and techniques. The foundation has invested over 5.8 million, in the past, to fifteen projects surrounding the various areas of stem cell research, which includes adult stem cells. StemGenex currently offers access to adult stem cells as therapy for people looking to alleviate the primary symptoms of Parkinson’s. Adult stem cells propose no ethical or religious conflicts. The use of adult stem cells in therapy is not controversial, as these cells are derived from the patient’s own adult tissue samples rather than destroyed human embryos.
Evaluation for treatment through StemGenex™ by experienced stem cell physicians is easy and uncomplicated. People interested in learning more about stem cell therapy simply need to call the company at 800.609.7795 or completing a request for information form. A Patient Advocate will address questions and provide individuals with further detailed information. StemGenex™ also offers access to treatment for Alzheimer’s, Autoimmune diseases, Multiple Sclerosis, and COPD. StemGenex™ is a division of the International Stem Cell Institute (ISCI).
Rita Alexander
The Human Repair Kit™
La Jolla, CA 92037